There is nothing easy about separating or divorcing when one has a child to consider -- particularly when it comes to the money side of things. Who is responsible for supporting the child? How much will one have to pay? This week, this column will briefly discuss how child support works in Louisiana.
According to state laws, both parents are required to provide for their child. Usually, the parent who is not considered the primary guardian will be ordered to make child support payments. How much this individual has to pay depends on several factors, including:
- The income levels of each parent
- The amount of time the child spends with each parent
- The specific needs of the child
In Louisiana, child support is to be paid until a child reaches the age of 18. A support order may be extended under certain circumstances. It may also be canceled early if the payer can prove he or she should no longer have to continue providing financial assistance.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to child support. Every family's financial situation is unique. Not all children share the same exact needs. For these reasons, a child support order will be written to work for what a family needs, not necessarily what the state deems appropriate.
Louisiana residents who have questions about child support can turn to an experienced family law attorney to get their questions answered. It does not matter if one is just preparing to go through divorce or separation, or if one is already on the other side and struggling with a current support order; legal counsel can go over one's options and help one fight for an order of support that serves the child's best interests. At the end of the day, that is what matters most.
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